Exhibitions 系列作品展


S C A (Scotland China Association), Quaker Halls, Edinburgh 2023
'China through the Camera 2012-2019'
主题讲演: “镜头下的中国2012-2019 ”
S C A 苏格兰中国协会主办
爱丁堡Quaker 礼堂


Gallowgate Artist Studios, Glasgow 2021
G.A.S. Spring exhibition
格拉斯哥Gallowgate 艺术家工作室
G.A.S 春展 2021


Ramada Wuhan, China
One-day pop-up exhibition 2019.
武汉华美达大酒店艺术闪展 2019

JinGu International, Wuhan China
Solo exhibition 2018.
武汉金谷大酒店个展 2018

Gallowgate Artist Studios, Glasgow 2018
GAS. Winter exhibition
格拉斯哥Gallowgate 艺术家工作室
GAS 冬展 2018

Gallowgate Artists Glasgow 2018
Solo exhibition
2018年 个展
Gallowgate 格拉斯哥苏格兰

EastLake Biennale, Wuhan, China 2018
Solo exhibition
2018年 武汉东湖双年展(个展)
武汉 中国


Gallowgate Artist Studios, Glasgow 2017: G.A.S. Winter exhibition

2017年 冬季艺术家联展

Gallowgate 格拉斯哥 苏格兰

IOTA Artspace, Glasgow 2017, Metamorphosis: Solo exhibition

2017年 “变 ”系列主题个展

IOTA 艺术工作室 格拉斯格 苏格兰

JinGu International, Wuhan, China 2017: Solo exhibition

2017年 “花之语” 主题个展

武汉 中国

Glasgow Art Club 2017: Group exhibition

2017年 格拉斯哥美术俱乐部联展

格拉斯哥 苏格兰

Pathfinder, Stirling University 2016, Art-link Central: Group exhibition

2016年 Artlink Central双年联展

开拓者艺术工作室 斯特灵大学 苏格兰

JinGu International, Wuhan, China 2016: Solo exhibition

2016年 个展

武汉 中国

Glasgow Art Club 2016: Group exhibition

2016年 苏格兰艺术家俱乐部联展

格拉斯哥 苏格兰

Dovehill Studios, Glasgow 2016: Group winter exhibition

2016年 格拉斯哥艺术家冬季联展

Dovehill艺术工作室 格拉斯哥 苏格兰


IOTA, Glasgow 2015: Two-person exhibition, 'Imagine', Zhang Lianxi - Roy Petrie.

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology 2015: Two-person exhibition, 'Imagine', Roy Petrie - Zhang Lianxi.

Wuhan, Shimenfeng: Solo exhibition 2015.

Wuhan, Shimenfeng: Group exhibition 2015.

Leiper Fine Art, Glasgow: Group exhibition.

IOTA, Glasgow 2015: 'The Holocaust and Beyond', Solo exhibition.

Dovehill Studios, Glasgow: Winter exhibition 2014.

Wuhan, Shimenfeng: Solo exhibition 2014.

Shimenfeng: Group exhibition 2014.


中国武汉石门峰国际美术中心联展和个展;苏格兰格拉斯哥Dovehill 工作室冬季作品展;


Dovehill Studios, Glasgow: Summer exhibition 2013.

Songzhuang, Beijing, China: Group exhibition.

Wroclaw, Poland, Academy of Fine Arts: SSA (Society of Scottish Artists) at Grafika Polska.

Scottish Arts Club, Edinburgh: Group exhibition.

Born Digital - New Materialities: Research / Archive Folio / Virtual Exhibition (group), Grays School of Art, Robert Gordon University.

罗伊参加由波兰弗罗茨瓦夫美术学院和苏格兰艺术家协会(SSA),及爱丁堡艺术家协会等联合举办的作品展;苏格兰格蕾斯和英国罗伯特戈登大学主题为“数位、形体和实物”的虚拟作品联展;苏格兰格拉斯哥Dovehill 工作室夏季作品展;及中国北京宋庄美术馆举办的联展;


Glasgow Print Studio: Group exhibition.

Scion House, Stirling University Campus: Solo exhibition.

Edinburgh Printmakers: Group exhibition.

Eastwood Theatre: Holocaust Memorial Day - paintings and screen presentation.

G3 gallery, Glasgow: Two-person exhibition, Alex Robertson, Roy Petrie.

Hot Bed Press, Salford, Manchester: 20:20, group exhibition.

Cafe Gandolfi, Glasgow: New Prints, solo exhibition.

IOTA Unlimited Studios, Glasgow: Group exhibition.

罗伊应邀在英国斯特林大学(University of Stirling)举办个展;组织策划了以“纪念犹太人大屠杀,呼唤和平”为主题的系列美术作品展;并多次成功在其家乡格拉斯哥举办联展和个展;

Selected exhibitions before 2010

SSWA (Society of Scottish Women Artists) at the RSA in Edinburgh - 3 invited artists: Ian Hamilton Finlay, Jacki Parry, Roy Petrie.

SSA (Society of Scottish Artists) at Mayfest, Glasgow: Invited artists incl. Lys Hansen, Jock MacInnes, Roy Petrie.

Stirling Smith Museum & Art Gallery: Brave Art, group exhibition.

Brodick Castle, Arran Artists: Group exhibition.

Stirling Smith Museum & Art Gallery: Stirling Heads, invited artist.

Glasgow Print Studio: Group exhibitions.

Edinburgh Printmakers: Group exhibition.

The Herald newspaper 1988-2009: Invited artist.

罗伊与伊恩.汉密尔顿芬利(Ian Hamilton Finlay)和杰克.帕瑞(Jacki Parry)两位英国知名艺术家在苏格兰皇家美术学院(RSA)举办联展;罗伊应邀于苏格兰艺术家协会,与赖斯.汉森(Lys Hansen)和乔克.麦克因斯(Jock MacInnes)举办美术作品联展;

1988 -2009年

